For People On The Fence About Buying A Custom Garment
We are seeing increasing public dissatisfaction with retail clothing and - bizarrely - more and more demands for even cheaper clothes despite the fact Americans purchase and throw out clothing at a rate TWICE that of the two countries in second pace for both categories.
All these factors and more have led me to more or less ignore retail garments and build systems outside of retail...
fast fashion is a race to the bottom
Fast fashion is a race to the bottom, emphasizing unmitigated growth, terrible worker conditions, and razor-thin margins (which will always result in poorer quality over time).
Meanwhile my work is only going to get better. -
The Most Common Question I Hear
The most common question I get about taking the course - is, "Do I have what it takes?" It's important we look at that question honestly.
Why My Business Course is the Best
Taking ANY business course is so much better than skipping it. However, I built my course based on what the others are missing - and what many entrepreneurs don't know about the Creative mind! -
Whole Enchilada FAQ
Here are some of the common questions I receive about my business course for ethical Creatives - the Whole Enchilada - plus loads of testimonials! -
don't be afraid to talk about your quality
Keep in mind: if you're an artist, if you're a Creative, well you've got a lot of mass-manufacturers who've tried to bottle up what you do - or something like it - and they churn things out at high waste rates, razor-thin margins, and as large a quantity as they can.
They have a whole-ass TEAM who put together marketing lingo!