
  • don't be afraid to talk about your quality

    don't be afraid to talk about your quality

    Keep in mind: if you're an artist, if you're a Creative, well you've got a lot of mass-manufacturers who've tried to bottle up what you do - or something like it - and they churn things out at high waste rates, razor-thin margins, and as large a quantity as they can.

    They have a whole-ass TEAM who put together marketing lingo!

  • Giardiniera, recipe (Kelly Hogaboom / Bespoke Hogaboom)

    Giardiniera (Recipe)

    So giardiniera (also called sottaceti or - when spicy - "hot mix") is a simple antipasto pickled vegetable mix. The grocery story version is fine but DAMN a home version is even better! This makes four big jars. Find three...

  • bespoke hogaboom garment and product guide

    bespoke hogaboom garment and product guide

    Hello peeps! Let me share a bit more detail about what to expect when selecting one of my garments or products. I'm pretty different from you standard shop because everything I make is:handmadeveganfair-wagefully-inclusive and one of a kind. I also...

  • i was recently told i offer "nothing new"

    A little while ago on the big bad IG I was told by a fashion influencer (& one of her fans) that I offered "nothing new" in my work. They meant my design work even though I was sharing about...

  • do's and don'ts for the vegan(s) in your life

    Here's the thing.

    Finding vegan foods and products for our lifestyle, isn't that hard once we get used to it.

    What's hard, is being stuck in a goofy and unfair social contract we never consented to.

  • you are much more efficient than you realize

    My studio has taken over almost all our relatively-large basement area - including one small back room with a few shelving units that houses two large bins of my faux furs, the sewing machines I don't regularly use, my pattern filing cabinet...