
My relationships with my clients are some of my favorite parts of business life. Please read through this document so we can have the most successful experience.

1. Your initial consultation fee is non-refundable no matter the project outcome.

2. My work reflects my own aesthetic. Not yours and not anyone else's: I do not clone other people’s work. If you bring me art to work with, given you have permission to use this artwork, I will be employing my own interpretation - full stop.

By engaging me you have reviewed my body of work and you love what I do! I am not a clothes-to-order service; I am a designer.

3. The quote and project cost I will provide you via invoice detail, has a thirty-day term. In other words if you decide not to proceed but later want to re-initiate, the original quote I gave you may or may not be honored.

4. As my work is all custom and unique, the project is subject to any post delays and supplier discrepancies. If you have a hard deadline be sure to let me know in writing before downpayment is made, and verify this deadline is listed on the invoiceI will do my best to accommodate deadlines - and in fact, I've never once missed a deadline! - but a deadline guarantee or rush job may incur an additional fee.

5. Your responsibilities are to provide all relevant information I require (such as fabric selection, body measurements, et cetera) within one week of invoice date. Failure to do this means I will make final decisions or issue a full refund minus your downpayment.

6. You are responsible to adhere to our payment agreement and terms.

7. All project spec details are recorded on the invoice. Anything not on the invoice, is up to my discretion entirely. Please review the invoice fully to make sure all relevant details are to your satisfaction, before making payment. If it’s not on the invoice - whether you think we talked about it, DMd about it, or had an extrasensory connection - it’s not part of the project.

8. Fittings: garments may require zero fittings up to five fittings, depending on their complexity. Fittings may be done over Zoom or in-person in my studio, at my discretion.

9. For in-person fittings and alterations, you will arrive by yourself or with a single adult companion. For Zoom fittings, I am flexible as to who is onscreen on your end, but I do require you are presenced enough to give our appointment your full attention.

10. You must try your garment on upon receipt, then you have two days to communicate, through email, if you’d like to meet to discuss changes. After we meet, any or all of these alterations or changes are at my full discretion. If I agree to these changes, you have seven days after you received the garment to postmark it back to me.

In short: this project requires your focus, just like I focus.

10. All of my work may be photographed, blogged, and shared via social media online at any point during the project at my discretion. If you have any need for me to wait to share photographs, please request this during our initial consultation.


Thank you so much for your support and your patronage. I will treat your project with all the care, finesse, and joy I treat all my work! I appreciate your investment - and I appreciate you. I look forward to working with you! 

rev. 2023/01